
Years after being diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, a young woman recounts her harrowing battle with anorexia and explores the reality of living with this misunderstood affliction.

Director’s Statement

It has been eight years since I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. I seriously struggled with anorexia for six to seven years before I could claim some semblance of “recovery.” Having dealt with this illness from the age of twelve, I didn’t remember life without it. Yet, I had never really taken time to reflect on what my experience was, on who I was.

I directed the documentary short film Beyond Thin to reflect on my experience with anorexia nervosa and shed light on this often misunderstood illness. This film is a deeply personal encounter with my younger self plagued by the delusions of anorexia. Though it was extremely challenging to examine a part of my past that for many years I hoped to forget, confronting it has been extremely cathartic. I have learned more about myself, about who I was then and who I am now, through creating this film. I am passionate about sharing this film with the world, not because it is my story, but because this is the story of many young women and girls, because honest portrayals of eating disorders are few and far between in pop culture and media, and because maybe connecting with some aspect of my story through this film can give hope to someone suffering.

Despite being the deadliest mental illness, other than substance use disorder, anorexia nervosa and eating disorders are widely misunderstood. Eating disorders seem to occupy a sort of enigmatic space in psychiatry. In exploring my experience, I touch on the psychology of the anorexic mind and the novel ways the illness is treated. I am grateful to have had access to care and a family dedicated to getting me well despite the countless and often seemingly insurmountable challenges.

I hope that this film can be proof to those struggling that recovery is possible.

Behind the Scenes


Cinematography Reel